It’s been a good week. Things went wrong, other things went great. I had a lot of school work this week; however, I used my time wisely and I have accomplished far more than I expected. First, I am trying to stay focused on discipline, lately. There was no defining moment. I just knew that’s what my goals were for this school year, and I am working HARD because I feel like God has put these things on my heart. So far, it’s working and I am proud. I am also adamant that I am going to do what I say I am going to do. God is so, so good! Secondly, I’ve been thinking about friedships a lot lately. The one’s I have, the friends I have lost touch with, and the friends that are struggling and REALLY need unfailing, unconditional friendships. Because I know that I need those same things too.
One of my sorority sisters put up a Facebook status that read this,

"Come and relax now, put your troubles down no need to bear the weight your worries let them fall away."