Wednesday, November 23, 2011

thank full

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Today I am thankful for friends who bring so much laughter, grace, love, joy, support and understanding into my life. They make me a better person and they teach me the definition of friendship. And they're the most fun people ever! Those friends are more like sisters, sisters you pick out of all the rest. And I feel so blessed that we've picked each other. They mean so much more to me than they will ever know!

Today I am thankful for my parents, who have everything to do with who I am. I'm thankful for their support, their love and their lessons of hard work and generosity. I'm thankful they have raised me to be who I am. They have taught me more about the person I am, and the person I want to be more than they know or I give them credit for. Everything I do is to make them proud. But I'm thankful I don't have to do a single thing. Today, I'm thankful for their unconditional love.

Today I am thankful for the really, really hard times. The times I have been knocked on my knees. The mistakes, the tribulations and all the tears. They have taught me to be so much more aware of who I am, what I am capable of and just how important the struggles are to appreciate life's greatest joys.

Today, especially, I am thankful for hope. I'm thankful for opportunities and I'm thankful for what I DO have. I'm thankful for all the things I all too often underestimate and under appreciate. I'm thankful for the unknown. And I'm hopeful the unknown will be a pleasant surprise.

Today I am thankful for my faith. The times I have what feels like only a little faith, and the times when I have a lot! I'm thankful that even when it's small, it's still there! He teaches me something new every day. When I've got no strength left, it's Him. That's all I can guess. I'm thankful He is in control, no matter how heart-wrenching it is for me. I'm thankful to believe in Someone so much bigger, more wise than me. 
'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops What if Your healing comes through tears What if a thousand sleepless nights Are what it takes to know You’re near And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise   - Laura Story "Blessings"


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