Friday, October 28, 2011

recipes, happy weekend and by the way my life's a joke.

This little gem is making its way around Pinterest. Since I was in the mood for Mexican tonight, I decided to give it a try. And I don't regret it! I'm a sucker for restaurant-style cheese dip!

I must tell you people that I was nervous that I'd be disappointed, but I was concerned for no good reason - none at all. It was perfect! Not too spicy, or even too bland. Whenever I make this again, I'll be sure to have all of the cheese grated, tomato and jalapeno diced and I'd watch the onions a little more closely - at first I thought when they burned a little it would affect the taste of the dip, but it didn't... lucky me!! I cheated on the cilantro (I used cilantro out of the spice bottle) mainly because Publix didn't have any fresh cilantro. 

In all seriousness, I don't think my parents believe that I can really cook all by myself. My parents have been on vacation in South Florida/the Florida Keys since Tuesday morning, so I've been fending for myself. And I'm not complaining! I love cooking :) In their defense, I haven't prepared an entire meal by myself since I've moved home. Guess I am taking advantage of this whole living at home thing. Ha! It's good to know I can be on my own! That's what I've been praying for many months now, anyway. I haven't been abnormally late one day for my internship either. Hashtag winning. 

Anyway, if you're interested in trying out this recipe, check it out here and here. 

In other news: I cooked a fresh, one-skillet dinner a few nights ago. 

It's braised chicken with fingerling potatoes, lemons and olives. Quite a mix - and it was a little strong with the lemons and olives. But so, so good! I texted my mom a picture! Her response: "Where'd you eat dinner? Who cooked?" Thanks, Mom. Not! If you're interested, you can find the recipe here. 

This weekend, I plan to catch up on laundry, housework, sleep, and do a little bit of shopping and working out at the gym. After all, this time next week I'll be (on my way to or in) Tuscaloosa for the GAME OF THE YEAR. That's right. UA vs. LSU!!

And now I'll go read the latest issue of Southern Weddings Magazine. And yes the cashier at the grocery store asked if I was getting married. And my response?"Hahaha! No, it's just my favorite magazine!"   MY LIFE IS A JOKE. Happy Weekend, Y'all :)


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