The truth is this... I want to know what's going to happen. Truth is... I don't feel like I have a "place" right now. The truth is... I have NO idea what I'm going to do when I leave college. Heck, sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing here! The truth is... my life's tough right now! I'm struggling. And the hardest truth... I'm not really sure who to confide in anymore. Right now is difficult for a lot of my friends. School is crazy. We're all anxious about the future. And quite frankly, I'm tired of being the girl knocking on doors with a red face and bloodshot eyes, tears streaming down my face. But that's not the point, it's really about my pride!
The funny thing is this: If you told me I would be where I am, right now, 6 months ago............. I would've told you that I could handle it. I would have told you I could move on. I would've told you there's more fish in the sea. I would have blown of... the tough stuff. I would've told you that I'm okay not having a plan what-so-ever!! I would've told you that I would graduate, move to Birmingham, find a job, live my life, travel, etc., etc. etc. No problem. I would be excited about all the new experiences I might face! But right now, I'm struggling. And that's because I'm not the person I imagined I would be after the last few months. It hasn't been the easy road I expected. I'm having a hard time letting that go. And do you know how I know that I'm having a difficult time? Because I've had experiences (yes, that's plural!) like this: "I'm-sitting-in-a-room-FIGHTING-back-tears-for-dear-life-because-if-I-were-to-get-up-and-walk-out-of-the-room-I-would-make-a-scene" kind of struggling. Yeah. Ridiculous, right? I thought so too.
This is difficult for me because I see my pride. RIGHT there. Plain as day! Just as sure as the grass is green and the sky is blue. Pleading the fifth. Straight up, prideful.
I WISH my instincts would encourage me to confide in God, to pray. They don't.
I acknowledge Him, everyday. But actually GIVE it to Him? Let Him handle it, too? Nope. I'm just stacking bricks on my shoulders.
In the mirror in my room, it's written: "God I have relied on myself so many times and I have fallen short. Remind me to rely on you. Amen" I'm relying on myself. Not someone else, but I'm expecting to put it all on MY own shoulders. But I've always said, "You can't always bare the weight of the world on your own shoulders." I confess.
I should take my own advice!
I've tried to write this post... oh, about 10 times!! It's too personal. It's too.... it's showing my scars. It's showing my struggle. It's showing my vulnerability. It's showing my pride! And it's not just one thing. It's not JUST loosing the boy. It's just because when your relationship (of any kind) or your friendships leave your life, things go with it. People go with it, too. My schedule has changed. Things are just different, not bad. Just different. I have more time on my hands. And my friends have the same... it seems. It's the sum of the little things that are difficult. While my friends don't understand all of the changes in my life, we're all facing the uncertainties of what happens after college. I'm just the one writing it here on my blog!
These struggles make me feel weak. But it's TOO much to keep to myself. It's too much to hold alone. I'm not certain clicking 'Publish Post' will instantly free me from these emotions/struggles. I'm skeptical it's not going to help me at all. But I'm trying to be HONEST and TRANSPARENT and that... that may help me deal with the struggles I am facing right now. For a girl who has been blessed beyond measure, it's just a bump in the road. God has a PERFECT plan. ACTUALLY focusing on that... will make things better until they're great again. Because they will be great!
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