there's so much on my mind, but none of it will come out right! there are 4896352 things i should be doing right now, and so, instead of writing a long mess of my rambling i will just write a short mess of my rambling thoughts. then, i'm going to go do what needs to be done!
just know.
know that i have not one, but TWO job interviews tomorrow.
and i haven't slept well the last two weeks thanks to crazy bad dreams / thinking / waiting on my alarm clock to sound. in fact, i should be sleeping right now at this moment. or many moments ago, lets be real here.
but i cannot quiet my anxious, wishful, questioning mind! plus, i'm overwhelmed by the potential of my life moving forward yet i want it to so desperately.
i've already established that before i go to bed tonight i'm going to pray i don't have a wardrobe malfunction, a flat tire or forget something really important.
as i sit here in my childhood home, i can't help but think that there's this big wide world out there at my heels and i have got to stop letting fears creep in and go out and live it! oh, if only i had the time to write a book on this subject alone.
i have way too much time on my hands. or maybe when it all comes down to it i'm just not spending my time doing what i really want to do and it's no one's and nothing's fault but my own! so, i'll make another attempt to press on, my best foot forward at're welcome for all that rambling. feel better? yeah, me neither.
but tomorrow is a new day, another adventure.
a lesson, again, for the bajillionth time to quiet our worrying, fearful hearts. and just live!
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