Teaching moments.
Someone reminded me, today, of something I wrote and presented during my last semester of college. Until I went back to read it because I didn't remember what all I said.
Earlier this week, I questioned settling or waiting for an opportunity that I really want. Due to the rush of events, I am waiting. Some more. And more waiting is to come, I'm sure. He has a hand in this. He shows me in the tiniest and most extravagant of ways:
"The church kept their promise, as I was raised by those who loved me, supported me and picked me up when I fell down. "
"But I vividly remember the voice of my conscience… or maybe it was the voice of God… encouraging me to continue."
"...Discovering the answers by living the questions."
"I’ve found the balance between questioning, struggling, deciphering, failing, AND still believing whole-heartedly in God’s grace, God’s unconditional love, God’s mysterious ways, God’s protection and God’s providence."
"As for the future, I have no job. I have no idea where I am going to move after graduation. I have no plans. But I know one thing, wherever I go, wherever I find myself, I will also find a community of faith."And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. - taken from Hebrews 12: 1-2
Perseverance during this race. Fixing our eyes. Founder and perfecter of faith.
Love His reminders!
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