Tuesday, September 13, 2011

storage containers, bedspreads, Pinterest, and letting go and looking forward.

So, I've been living at home since May. That's four months, people. And at this point, there are a grand total of SEVEN small and very large plastic storage containers in my one room! My parents and I recently took out a desk and a bookcase, which has eliminated real storage. Oh! Did I mention that in the midst of the storage containers, my dad and I are slowly, but surely, pulling up the carpet and ALL THOSE LOVELY STAPLES to expose the beautiful hardwood floors?! Yeahhhh... it's ridiculous! For four months, I've unpacked and repacked based on what I need and what I haven't needed.

But now, I've decided two things!

1) Maybe if I make this room HOME again it will make the whole living back home thing a little more bearable. Who knows?! Maybe all the stars will line up and I'll find myself in a place a little more permanent - you know - in a different town! Or a place of my own.

2) When I do find myself in a more permanent place , my childhood room will be ready for when I JUST VISIT my parents! My room desperately needs... at least... a bookshelf!

My mom picked out my current bedspread. The top side is floral - brown, greens and blues. The other side is blue and brown paisley. Would I have picked it? No. But it's cute enough! It works :) At his point, I really don't want to change it because it matches my green metal bed, green wooden dresser and navy blue curtains well. And I'm a broke post-grad. Here's a sample of my bedspread:

So far, I've decided on this walnut bookshelf from Kohls! It looks dark here, but not in the sales catalog I found it in :) My small, flat screen TV and books will fit just perfectly! So right after work tomorrow I'm going to check it out and hopefully bring it back home! Plus, I'm not the kind of girl that can pass up a good sale on something I've always wanted!
Speaking of books? I really need some bookends too! So looks like I will be searching for some of those tomorrow night too! Here are a few examples I found on Pinterest:

But other than that? I'm kind of struggling with what else to put on the walls - I've got two very empty walls to decorate. I've got a large blank canvas, so I'm trying to decide what I can paint that will look great with the bedspread! Maybe something like this?!

I'm also thinking about creating something for my jewelery! Anything to replace the two very random middle & high school collages hanging on the wall. Ha! They've got... to... go! These are some of my very favorite (LOVE THE BURLAP) ideas from Pinterest:

Well, technically... I have three walls to decorate. I'm thinking about a group of frames, pictures, plates... something, anything to go over my bed. I'm really thinking about empty, rustic wooden frames and/or including prints with quotes or patterns.
 Simple. Not too matchy-matchy. Classic.

I'm really excited about this project!

If you've been keeping up with my blog, I've been between a rock and a very hard place. 
The LETTING GO AND LOOKING FORWARD process has been tough to say the least. Some of my friends say we were warned about this post-graduate life. So I've come up with two scenerios. Either I missed the meeting, or I wasn't listening. Ha! Likely.

But I'm starting to realize that looking forward doesn't negate what has been or what is at this moment. I can feel those feelings - miss those people, things and times in my life. That's okay. It's completely normal. But looking forward? It's got to happen! It's the healthiest thing I can do.  And really, if you think about it, it's going to be such a SWEET part of this BITTERSWEET LIFE. Time will bring clarity. So I'll keep reminding myself 936513298 times a day to be patient. 

Redecorating my room is just the FIRST step in moving forward. I really need a plan to get through this time in my life! I'll start with my room. I'll read lots of books. I'll learn as much as I can about life, love, relationships, my interests and my career. I'll worry a lot less. I'll laugh a good bit more. I'll learn to sew. I'll watch my portions even more closely. I'll travel. I'll make connections. I'll ENJOY this time in my life.

Eventually, I'll make long term goals:  Moving away.  Seeking a job at a lifestyle magazine or PR/Communications firm. Finding my very own church family. Dating. Cooking myself dinner. Hosting dinner parties. Volunteering. Decorating my own place.

Sounds sweet to me!
*P.S. This is me... relieved... to start with picture frames and bookends first.


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