When I move away...
When I get my own place...
When I get offered this job...
When I loose weight...
When I get over this or that...
When I start dating someone new...
When I transition out of this rut...
When... when... when.... sounds really nice to me.
But the truth is this:
I have NO idea WHEN any of these things are going to happen.
Apparently God and the whole universe isn't going by my timeline. Who knew?
And I'd tell you, you lovely blog readers, that I'd stop being a broken record...
But I'm not sure WHEN that's really going to happen either!
I happened upon a dose of reality:
And now I have a word for you who brashly announce,
"Today—at the latest, tomorrow—we're off to such and such a city for the year. We're going to start a business and make a lot of money."
You don't know the first thing about tomorrow.
You're nothing but a wisp of fog, catching a brief bit of sun before disappearing.
Instead, make it a habit to say,
"If the Master wills it and we're still alive, we'll do this or that."
{James 4:13-15}
Ever read something that God says and think "What? Wait just a minute! OUCH?"
"You don't know the first thing about tomorrow."
Does that for me.
So God: Ummm... Hey, it's Leigh here. I'm not really good at this whole waiting thing. Or this not knowing thing. Or really this stuck in a rut thing. Andddddd this living at home thing - except I'm really, truly THANKFUL for... you know... having somewhere to live. I'm just not very good at it! Anyway, I'm really sorry for making plans without, you know, even asking if they're alright with you. So, I guess... maybe... I should stop asking you if you'll do this or that!? And the bargaining? That should probably stop, too, shouldn't it? Yeah, I know. I'm wrong sometimes, as you know well. But I just wanted to THANK YOU 654368346730065 times for giving me that swift kick in the butt when you wrote,
"You don't know the first thing about tomorrow."
But did you really have to rub it in? You're being mean about it. Okay, fine. Whatever.
No, really. I mean it. I REALLY MEAN IT THIS TIME.
If it's Your will, I'll do this or that. No, wait. Wait a minute. I can't promise that to You.
Here's what I can promise You:
In my incredibly HUMAN FLESH, I will TRY my best to do Your will.
And I'll try my best to wait patiently for whatever you have planned.
I just hope You don't REALLY expect me to be patient about all this!
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